Alle foto/all photos: Marthe Nyvoll
Thomas of Norway og scenekunstner og skuespiller Ida Løken Valkeapää møtte hverandre i en kunstnersamtale under Festspillene i Nord-Norge i 2021. I 2022 starter vi utforskningen av et felles scenespråk gjennom flere workshops og residenser rundt tematikken vold i nære relasjoner. I 2025 presenterer vi prosjektet "POWER OF LOVE". ​
​Prosjektet "POWER OF LOVE søker vi å skape noe som kan være en inngang til en samtale: Hvordan skal vi snakke om vold i nære relasjoner?
​Mer informasjon kommer!
Forestilling: 45 minutter
Med støtte fra
Premiere 2025 (TBA)
Takk til
Barbara Simonsen (DK)
Davvi - Senter for scenekunst
Fond for lyd og bilde
Fond for utøvende kunstnere
Nordland fylkeskommune
Stiftelsen Fritt Ord
Thomas of Norway and Ida Løken Valkeapää met each other in an artist talk at the Arctic Arts Festival (Festspillene i Nord-Norge) in 2021. We became curious about an artistic collaboration, and during 2022 we have in several workshops to investigate and search for a common stage language. The topic: Domestic violence.
Ida Løken Valkeapää is an actress and performing artist based in Tromsø with a great love for Northern Norway. She grew up in Oslo, was educated at Teaterhögskolan in Helsinki and HB Studio in New York, and has worked as a freelance actor since 2001. She has been working at institutional theaters in Finland, Sweden and Norway in addition to various independent group projects and film and TV. She also co-founded the Nordic theater group Subfrau. In recent years, Ida has developed «storytelling concerts» in collaboration with various musicians. ​
We would like to create a poetic work that invites the audience to an associative journey, stimulating reflection and independent thinking, connected with an intimate format, a feeling of community in a safe space. Through the project, we want to create an introduction to a conversation: «How can we talk about domestic violence?"