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Thomas of Norway og Ida Løken Valkeapää utforsker tematikken vold i nære relasjoner, i et nytt scenekunstprosjekt med premiere sommeren 2025. 

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Alle foto/all photos: Marthe Nyvoll 


Thomas of Norway og scenekunstner og skuespiller Ida Løken Valkeapää møtte hverandre i en kunstnersamtale under Festspillene i Nord-Norge i 2021. I 2022 starter vi utforskningen av et felles scenespråk gjennom flere workshops og residenser rundt tematikken vold i nære relasjoner. I 2025 presenterer vi prosjektet "POWER OF LOVE". ​


​Prosjektet "POWER OF LOVE søker vi å skape noe som kan være en inngang til en samtale: Hvordan skal vi snakke om vold i nære relasjoner? 


​Mer informasjon kommer!









Forestilling: 45 minutter

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Premiere 2025 (TBA)

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Barbara Simonsen (DK)

Davvi - Senter for scenekunst

Fond for lyd og bilde

Fond for utøvende kunstnere

Nordland fylkeskommune

Stiftelsen Fritt Ord

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Thomas of Norway and Ida Løken Valkeapää met each other in an artist talk at the Arctic Arts Festival (Festspillene i Nord-Norge) in 2021. We became curious about an artistic collaboration, and during 2022 we have in several workshops to investigate and search for a common stage language.  The topic: Domestic violence.


Ida Løken Valkeapää is an actress and performing artist based in Tromsø with a great love for Northern Norway. She grew up in Oslo, was educated at Teaterhögskolan in Helsinki and HB Studio in New York, and has worked as a freelance actor since 2001. She has been working at institutional theaters in Finland, Sweden and Norway in addition to various independent group projects and film and TV. She also co-founded the Nordic theater group Subfrau. In recent years, Ida has developed «storytelling concerts»  in collaboration with various musicians. ​ 


We would like to create a poetic work that invites the audience to an associative journey, stimulating reflection and independent thinking, connected with an intimate format, a feeling of community in a safe space. Through the project, we want to create an introduction to a conversation: «How can we talk about domestic violence?"

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